Forest machinery
The Forest machinery has been an organizational part of the University Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest in Křtiny since 1991.
The present production programme consists of the machinery for silvicultural operations and timber skidding operations in tractor and cableway terrains, whose technical parameters enable the use of these machines in the protected landscape areas and in national parks.
The Forest machinery in Křtiny also serves for the practical instruction of students enrolled in Bachelor and Master study programmes of forestry and landscaping at the MENDELU Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, namely in the operation of forest cableways LARIX, but also for students from other educational facilities in Czechia.
Good luck, health and lots of successes in the new year 2025 wishes the whole team of Forest Machinery, University forest enterprise Masaryk forest in Křtiny.
Introducing the new Forest machinery 2025 calendar.We hope that you enjoy the calendar and we wish you a Happy Christmas.
Srdečně Vás zveme na 46. Lesnický den v Ralsku. Jedná se o největší tuzemskou lesnickou akci, která je pořádána VLS s mistrovstvím ČR v práci s motorovou pilou na Skelné Huti u Mimoně na Liberecku . Bohatý kulturní program v čele s národním šampionátem v práci s motorovou pilou, lesní pedagogikou, STIHL Timbersports show, ukázka lesnické techniky, výstava trofejí a další. Kdy: pátek 14. a sobota 15. června 2024 Kde: Skelná huť v Ralsku, GPS: 50.6127031N, 14.7884389E Podrobné informace na
You can contact me about machinery sales.
I am responsible for counselling and training.
I am responsible for spare parts sale and for planning of maintenance and servising terms.
I carry out development in the field of forest technology.